THE JOYS AND SORROWS OF BEING OVER 30 will be discussed at a gathering on June 18, 2:00 at 1633 Belmar. All women are welcome bring something for potluck. For more information, call 932-0668 or 791-3239.

WOMEN AND CLASS. A gathering to discuss class -what it is, how it affects you -will take place at 1:00 p.m, on June 25 at 1633 Belmar, Cleveland Heights. For more information, call 932-0668. All women are welcome.

A HOUSE-PAINTING CREW is forming for and of women. For more information, call 932-0668.

A special workshop on MANAGERIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR WOMEN will be held on Saturday, May 20, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Stouffer's Somerset Inn, 3550 Northfield Road, presented by Cuyahoga Community College's eastern campus. The fee is $25 and includes lunch.

The workshop offers an overview of the basic skills necessary for a successful career in management, including the transition into management, planning skills, assertiveness, career strategies and professional development. The lunch hour will feature a special fashion show on how to achieve an executive image at a reasonable price.

Workshop facilitators include Carole Brooks, first woman manager of a postal branch in Ohio; Ella Hay Howey, business consultant and executive director of the Friends of the Cleveland Public Library; Dr. Jamesetta Petway, chief executive officer for a management consultant firm; Bernadette Motiska, CCC East assistant professor of business administration; and Joan Steele, territory manager for a division of Oresser Industries.

For registration or more information, call the CCC East Office of Community Services, at 464-1450, Ext. 204.

A ONE-WOMAN ART SHOW will run through May 31 at CCC's Western Campus Theatre Lobby, 11000 Pleasant Valley Road, Parma. Betsy Drake, a ceramics instructor at CCC's Metropolitan Campus, is exhibiting 20 to 30 pieces. For additional information, contact the CCC West art depart.ment at 845-4000, Ext. 249.

CHOMO-URI, a women's multi-arts magazine, is seeking submissions for its upcoming special issue on Women and the Law. Graphics, photography, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, reviews and essays are welcome. Chomo-Uri is particularly interested in the issues of rape, forced sterilization, divorce, women in prison, lesbian rights and custody, abortion, ERA, battered women, women as lawyers or involved in the law, welfare, child abuse, minority women, women and credit, and economics. Send all submissions with a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Chomo-Url, P. O. Box 1057, Amherst, MA 01002. Submissions deadline is September 15, 1978.

A TRIP TO CUBA is being planned by Rohfeld and Zell Associates in conjunction with the Lil Klein Travel Center. The tour, which is scheduled for August 19 through August 27, will focus on how the roles of women in Cuba are changing as a result of the revolution. A variety of special activities are planned, including meetings with women in government and in many career areas, visits to a rural commune and to a child care center, and programs involving women in the arts. There will be ample time for the group to enjoy the beautiful beaches and sample Cuban entertainment. The total cost of the trip is expected to be $575, which includes all air fares (round trip Cleveland to Havana via Toronto), sightseeing and special programs, air conditioned buses in Cuba, hotel room (including one night in Toronto), and three meals daily. No tipping is permitted in Cuba. Persons interested in receiving full information as soon as it is available should write Rohfeld and Zell Associates, 1638 South Taylor, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118, or call Ehrle Zoll at 321-1108. There is space for only 70 persons on the tour.

WOMEN STUDY DESEGREGATION. The Education Committee of the Cleveland Women's City Club with the cooperation of various other women's civic groups is sponsoring a desegregation information program on Tuesday, May 30. The luncheon program starts at noon and will consist of five speakers who are knowledgeable about the various aspects of desegregation. The cost of the luncheon is $5.75. Call 696-3760 for reservations.

THE OHIO WOMEN IN PRISON PROJECT HAS FINALLY RECEIVED PERMISSION TO DONATE BOOKS TO PRISON LIBRARIES. Needed are fiction (what they have is very old), magazines (they get only Newsweek, Time and Ebony), records, AM radios, cassettes, filmstrips and other material. Most urgently needed is fiction. At this time it is not known whether non-fiction books of a political or feminist nature will be accepted, but novels written from those viewpoints will probably pass inspection. But even if you only have junk novels, please donate what material you can to these women in cages with nothing to do. Separate books into fiction and non-fiction and (if possible), include a list of authors and titles (otherwise the women of the Project will have to do it). Call Barbara Louise at 932-6451 for more information.

BENEFIT FOR DINNER PARTY PROJECT, Sunday, June 4 at Dobama Theatre on Coventry, presenting Marilyn's Music, a collage of music from past shows at Dobama directed by Marilyn Bianchi. Tickets $10. Call 381-0925 or 321-2499 for information.

Betsy Reeves, Sally Pirtle and June Adams are performing together these days under the name AZADA. AZADA will be playing at the public rally for Yvonne Wanrow, May 19, 8:30 p.m. at Amasa Stone Chapel, CWRU campus. The following weekend (May 20 and 21), Azada will be performing at the Hessler Street Fair. Time to be announced. Call 321-0692 for information.

CONSCIOUS WOMANHOOD, a spiritually oriented seminar exploring and developing the art of womanhood, will be held on July 1-2, led by Dorothy Maclean and Suria Less. Maclean, co-founder of the Findhorn Community in Scotland with Eileen and Peter Caddy, will lead an introduction and exploration into our individual wholeness and co-creative relationships with all of life. Suria Less, mother and teacher in the Sufi Order, will explore the development of woman's innate faculties and sensitivities, through practices of breath, light and sound. $35.00 includes 3 meals per day and dormitory style lodging, or inquire for nearby motel accomodations. For further information, write Omega Institute, P. O. Box 396, New Lebanon, New York 12125, (518) 794-8850.

I am writing a book on LESBIANS AND ALCOHOLISM, the first of its kind. Would like to talk to lesbians who are recovering alcoholics about their experiences, friends or lovers of lesbian alcoholics and women who are working with recovering alcoholics either in treatment centers or therapy programs, especially those which are lesbian or feminist oriented. A specific focus of the book will be the health aspect of alcoholism -both the physical and mental positive and negative, Experiences and/or resources are needed. Send inquiries/information to: Mary Fridley, 1201 West 8th Street, #102, Austin, Texas 78703.

The Fourth Annual WOMEN'S WEEKEND IN THE WOODS will begin on May 26 and last through May 29 at Hocking Hill Campground, near Athens, Ohio. The total cost of $10.00 includes 3 brunches, 4 dinners and all utensils, plus hogans (no tents, please). Children can come for free. All you need is a sleeping bag. For more information, write to Women's Weekend, Athens Women's Collective, 18 N. College Street, Athens, Ohlo 45701. Make your check payable to "The Athens Women's Collective”. Since time is short, call 592-4908 in Athens, Ohio for Information or reservations.

This is an election year -don't vote for anyone who won't vote for you. Representative Vanik isn't personally against busing, but will vote against busing (if he can) because he believes the voters in his district are against it. The same Representative Vanik knows the majority of the voters favor the right to abortion, but votes against it because of personal conscience. Organize the women you know to vote to help themselves.

Lesbians from around the country have gathered together to form the NATIONAL LESBIAN FEMINIST ORGANIZATION. A national ratifying convention of the organization is expecting to commence in St. Paul, Minn. in the spring of 1979. The new organization says it is open to lesbians and other "women-identified women." Group members have called for 50% representation by women of color on state and national level planning and decision making committees. State conventions are expected to be held between now and September 1978 to work out national plattorms on such issues as lesbian mothers, woman-hating, political relationships to gay men and transsexuals, lesbian culture, racism, classism and ageism. For more information, call Mary Spottswood Pou at (202) 457-8412.

The State of Okie Women's Information Center is located in Room 10, State House, Columbus, Ohlo 43215. For information regarding women's issues in Ohio, call the toll-free number 1-800-282-3040.

WORKERS WORLD PARTY needs financial aid to help them carry on their struggles against exploitation and oppression: unemployment, hunger, inflation, war, racism, sexism and anti-gay bigotry. Its newspaper, Werkers World, records the struggles of the party and those of oppressed people the world over. Give whatever you can -this is not the task of party members alone, but of friends as well. Make checks payable to Ted Dostal and mail them to him at P. O. Box 12598, East Cleveland, Ohio 44112. Note: these contributions are met tax deductible and Workers World does not give S&H green stamps.

FREE FOR ALL, Wisconsin's Alternative Biweekly, will buy original comic strips for $10 per strip printed. Send strips to TWISTS, c/o Free For All, at P.O. Box 962, Madison, Wisconsin 53701, and enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of originals. No sexist or racist strips will be accepted.

LESBIAN HERSTORY ARCHIVES has old and new lesbian books, news letters, newspapers, records, correspondence, conference proceedings, graphics, over 500 folders on every aspect of lesbian culture, bibliographies, original papers and poems, and tapes. The Archives are a place to read, to do research, to browse. To be on their mailing list, or to contribute to the archives, write to: Lesbian Herstory Archives, P. O.. Box 1258, New York, New York 10001. (212)-874-7232 or 873-9443.

THE FIFTH ANNUAL WOMEN'S MUSIC FESTIVAL has been scheduled for June 13 to June 18 in Champaign, Illinois. Festival coordinators are looking for performers and are encouraging women who would like to parti. cipate to send in a high fidelity cassette tape with four or five songs, plus publicity background sheets and promotional photos. For more informations, contact National Women's Music Festival, P. O. Box 2721, Station A, Champaign, Illinois 61820. (217) 333-6443.

WITCHES & AMAZONS, A FEMINIST CULTURAL CONFERENCE spon sored by Indiana University at South Bend, will take place on June 2-4 Speakers include Z Budapest, author, lecturer, authority on witchcraft. and Norma Bahia Pontes, exlorer, filmmaker and author $13 or less registration fee includes all activities, room, and meals For further info contact the Division of Continuing Education, Indiana University, South Bend, Indiana

THE CLEVELAND POTTERS COOP, INC., a non-profit group, is interested in expanding its membership. Studio space, clay, wheels and firing privileges are available to Coop members on a shared labor, shared expense basis. Members are given keys to the studio and can use the Coop at hours that are convenient to the individual member. In return, members help to make clay, fire the kiln and help with other studio-related tasks. Basically, the Coop is set up to meet the needs of people interested in pursuing pottery on a part-time basis. The studio is not set up for people interested in production pottery.

The studio, located In Cleveland Heights, has been open for about three years. Individualized classes in hand bullding and throwing are also available. For information on memberships or classes, please call 751-8075 or 321-6713.

A MARCH FOR DISARMAMENT sponsored by Women Speak Out for Peace and Justice will take place in New York on May 27. Buses will leave Cleveland on the evening of May 26 to bring Clevelanders to this important international day of action for disarmament, and will return to Cleveland early the morning of May 28. Sand $30 for round-trip fare to: Women Speak Out, P.O. Box 18138, Cleveland, Ohio 44118. For information, call 231-4245,

Our mass presence will dramatize the importance of the U.N. Special Session on Disarmament (May 23-June 28), initiated by 86 non-aligned nations.

On Friday, May 28, at noon, join a Walk for Survival in downtown Cleveland, staring at St. John's Cathedral at E. 9th and Superior and proceeding to Public Square. Assemble at 11:30 a.m. at St. John's.

SKILLS AVAILABLE JOB-A-RAMA will take place on May 24 from 10:00 to 3:30 for those over age 40 needing free employment-related services. For more information call 781-2944.

DESEGREGATION: THE PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT ON STUDENTS AND PARENTS workshop will take place May 25 from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. For more information call 781-7575

On May 30 at 8:00 p.m. there will be a Cleveland ACLU Benefit. It will be held at Ford Auditorium, Allen Memorial Library, CWRU. For tickets call 781-6176.

ELIZABETH MCALLISTER will speak on The Spirituality of Non-Violence on June 4, 2:00 to 5.00 p.m. at Erieview Catholic High School, 1736 Superior Avenue, Cleveland. Donation, $2.00

A program on WOMEN AND ALCOHOLISM will presented at the Women's City Club, 320 Superior at 12:00 noon on June 12. The $6.00 fee includes funch.

MENOPAUSE WORKSHOP, CCC Eastern Campus North Lounge, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on June 3. For information, contact Gail Takacs, 241-5966, ext. 226.

Employers speak to WOMEN JOB SEEKERS WORKSHOP, CCC Western Campus, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., June 8. For all CCC events contact Gai! Takacs, 241-5966, ext. 226 (office), or 232-7074 (home).

VERONICA'S ROOM, Ira Levin's two-act thriller, directed by Justine Giannetti, will be presented June 1-3 and 8-10 at CCC Metropolitan Campus Theatre at 8:00 p.m.

What She Wants



plumbing, carpentry, light hauling, misc. quality work reasonable rates Rita E. Coriell 932-0977 eve. also, plumbing class for women beginning May 18. call for info.

Serious woman guitarist looking for other women musicians into blues and rock. Call Karen evenings at 371-3708


Feminist Law Practice Located in Cleveland Heights

Dissolutions: $250


What She Wants/June, 1978/page 15